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Authors: Youth of the target groups of the Program of Educational, Psychological and Integration Assistance to Children Affected by the Armed Conflict in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea "Integration Through Dialogue".

Summary: This book came to light thanks to the (anti)contest (Un)Childish View of the War. Its goal was to give the floor to the new "children of war" and to tell about the events of recent years by the mouths of their youngest eyewitnesses. After all, it is precisely to them that they are allowed to perceive today's conflict in all its objective reality. These stories deserve to be heard. In order to overcome the contradictions, and for the future, when such a tragedy will never happened again. 

The authors of life stories presented in the collection – schoolchildren, students and active youth. These are those who were directly affected by the war and who heard about it, mostly from the TV screen. Those who were forced to leave their homes and who helped settlers adapt to new areas. Those who are directly confronted with the realities of occupation and whose parents contribute to the protection of Ukrainian lands. 

The book is intended for both children and adults. For the direct participants of the mentioned events and those who prefer not to notice. For activists and indifferent people. For anyone who, without knowing it himself, is a piece of force on which the future of our country depends. 

The life stories in the collection are grouped into 7 sections that reveal different aspects of life in an armed conflict: 

  • "If it were not for the war…". 
  • "Life starting from scratch: life of a forced resettler". 
  • "On another side of the frontline: my life (not) in Ukraine". 
  • "My father was at the war. History of the ATO soldiers' children". 
  • "On the verge of civilizations: life on the line of confrontation". 
  • "When war is more than simply a word. History of my volunteering". 
  • "Far from the frontline, but not from the war. Experience of peaceful regions". 

This collection is a true chronicle of our present. Written by those who have nothing to conceal. And who allowed us to see all the horrors of war and the power of human spirit and hope in a truly, without ornament. With their (not)childish look.

Фільтрувати за тегами:
До загального списку «Інші» «Сіра зона» «Термометр страху» Адаптація АТО Батьківська допомога дітям Безпечне місце Війна Волонтерство ВПО Втрата Групові заняття Дискримінація Діти Експозиція травматичних спогадів Емоційна обробка спогадів Ідентичність Інтрузивні спогади Комунікація Ксенофобія Культурна багатоманітність Лінія розмежування Міграції Міжрегіональна інтеграція Мова Нормалізація реакцій Окупація ОРДЛО Підвищена збудливість Подолання депресії Позитивні твердження Полікультурне суспільство Полікультурність Права людини Профілактика Психологічна робота Реакція горя Релаксація Робота з батьками Робота з дітьми Робота з інтрузивними образами Сила волі Соціальний статус Списки травматичних нагадувань Стереотипи Стрес Техніки саморегуляції Толерантність Травматична подія Тривога УБД Уникання Цінності